About.com Pet Supplies and Product Reviews

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10 Most Popular Myths About Guinea Pigs: Avoid These Common Cavy Care Mistakes
If you're new to guinea pigs, you might think it's just fine to house them in an aquarium and to buy them the most colorful food with seeds and bits of fruit or vegetables. You might think that hay is only an occasional treat and that guinea pigs are hearty animals who make great starter pets for kids and who rarely, if ever, need vet care. Besides, if you buy your guinea pig at a pet store, it's probably very healthy, right?

Unfortunately, all of the widespread beliefs cited above are actually myths. They're just a few of the many misconceptions about guinea pigs that often lead to disaster when you get one as a pet.

This ebook, "10 Most Popular Myths About Guinea Pigs: Avoid These Common Cavy Care Mistakes," separates fact from fiction and helps you take better care of your pet guinea pig. You'll learn why it's better to avoid pet stores and breeders, how to properly house your guinea pig, how to meet its nutritional needs, how to avoid buying dangerous toys, and more.

This ebook is one of the pet care books in the 99 Cent Knowledge Series. It's not meant to be a comprehensive guide to guinea pig care. It's a short, easy to read discussion of common beliefs that can harm your pet and facts that will help you care for it properly. It's only 7,000 words long, but it packs a lot of useful information into every page.

Purchase this ebook for: Kindle, or Nook or at Smashwords.